With tits like hers, do you really need a scene description? Sure you do. It’s ECG tradition. OK so here goes – at 24, Abrielle is a tad older than most of the sexy ladies that stop by at the ExCoGi offices (ok, cheapest hotel room available that day) to get dicked by our cockmeisters. We hope those tits, super feminine features (OMG them DSLs, right? If you’re under 30, look up what that means), and cock enthusiasm make up for that. In real life, Abrielle is a card dealer at a Casino in Las Vegas. But she loves animals and wants to go back to school to eventually become a vegetarian. No wait…Veterinarian. The helping animals thing, not the eating them thing. In all seriousness, that alone shows that she’s truly good-hearted by nature, and we like that. A lot…
Abrielle – Exploited College Girls 1707
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