18 year old Roxy is quite the little cutie. She’s actually from Guam originally, which according to her makes her Chamorro. Today I’m gonna turn this little Chamorro into my Cham-Whore-O. She’s one those “big things come in small packages” kind of girls. This girl has a HUGE personality and is a lot of fun. Unfortunately, Roxy got her monthly visit from Aunt Flo around the time we needed her to come in for the interview. It’s all good though, because we love a challenge, and I’m gonna give her sweet sweet asshole a great little workout today. Right away you’ll be able to see what a firecracker this girl is, she was so much fun to talk with I almost didn’t want to give her the business… almost hahahaha…
Roxy – Backroom Casting Couch 1666
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